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Rectal Bleeding Reasons

Bleeding from anus is diagnosed when there are any blood extractions from the rectum. Such bleeding are rarely heavy and usually don not threaten a patient’s life. They are quite widely spread and occur very often. Still they are not the disease itself, but a warning symptom that something is wrong in your organism. And the main disease may be very dangerous. So if you notice them, visit your gastroenterologist for determining the reason and treating the disease.

If the blood is fresh and not changed that means that the damage is close to the anal opening. The reasons of such bleeding appearance may be the following:

  1. Hemorrhoids. It is the most frequent reason. There are two types of the disease and bleedings. When the hemorrhoids is chronic, the bleeding occurs in every defecation or stomach tension during hard physical work. Patients get used to it and do not pay much attention. External hemorrhoids bleeds from bundles that can be easily palpated. Both of these bleedings are impermanent and stop when the pressure in hemorrhoid bundles is reduced.

  2. Anal crack. Usually does not cause heavy bleedings. Its only signs – pain in the rectum and a couple of fresh blood drops in the feces.

  3. Polyps in rectum and anus. They do not show themselves at once. Sometimes bleeding is the only thing that helps to discover about them. If it occurs, the polyp is quite big. Blood can be fresh or mixed with feces. Its intensity may vary according to the size of vessels damaged.

  4. Tumors, as a rule, malignant. The bleedings from them are the same as from polyps. That is why proper diagnostic is necessary in this case to differ one from another.

  5. Traumatic tears of anal or rectal mucosa. The traumas may occur in different situations. Among the most common are rectal diagnostic, enema, wounds, pelvic bone fractures and anal sex.

  6. Rectal prolapse. More common for children and people who do anal sex. Rectum begins to bleed and protrude from the anus.

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