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Removable Orthodontic Constructions

Modern orthodontic services use various technologies that allow to correct the wrong occlusion. Perhaps many of you heard about such thing as removable braces. These constructions differ from non-removable ones by the time of their usage. As a rule, patient should wear them only in nighttime. Actually the term “braces” is not quite correct here. Braces are non-removable, and what we use to call “removable braces” are different orthopedic constructions. Still their popularity and efficiency are proved by many patients.

Usually such “braces” are used for fixing the occlusion of children. They are far less effective with adults’ teeth. The bone system of adults is already complete and their teeth are fully settled on their places. Trainers, retainers and aligners are usually worn in the evening and stay till morning. The time of their action is about 12-24 hours. It is quite enough for children. But in the case with adults teeth try to stay on their usual place immediately after the system is taken off.

That is why such constructions are used among adults only in some certain cases. These are:

  1. The occlusion is slightly wrong and does not require fundamental correction.

  2. The aesthetic demands of a patient to his appearance are very high.

  3. A patient needs consolidate the result of carrying non-removable constructions.

The main advantage of removable systems is that they are more comfortable. They are worn in time when almost no one sees you. It is important for people who feel shy because of the unaesthetic look of braces.

When does the dentist Brooklyn appoint removable constructions?

  1. Occlusion correction on the earlier stage. The average age of patients is 6 to 12 years.

  2. Fighting bad habits such as thumb sucking or nail biting.

  3. The child totally refuses to wear non-removable braces, bothered by his looks.

  4. Widening the jaw. The retainers with size regulating option are used.

  5. The period after non-removable braces treatment to consolidate its result.

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